Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Retro Review: Mischief Makers (N64)

Way back before Enix and Square merged, they were individual companies that produced much more than just RPGs. In 1997, Enix created a game for the Nintendo 64 called Mischief Makers, a quirky little platformer that can easily contend with the likes of Mario and Donkey Kong in terms of fun and playability.

It's a fun little story that tells of the adventures of a robotic maid named Marina, and her quest to save her creator Professor Theo from the evil clutches of his twin brother. She travels to the planet Clancer to rescue him, and on her way battles and hijinks ensue. The story itself is a little cliche by today's standards, since it's just a basic save the damsel in distress game (except in this case it's a man, so that's new!). However, the story isnt why people play these types of games; it's all about the gameplay, and that's where Mischief Makers really shines.

The game mostly plays like a standard platformer, with a few key differences. First, you have a boost that you can use to propel yourself over large gaps, or to just simply move faster (there is even a race you can compete in!). Secondly, you have no offensive abilities: the only thing you can do is grab and throw. This plays a key role in what makes this game great. Using your grab and throw techniques is the only way to beat bosses and solve puzzles. It's very similar to the way that Super Mario 2 worked, where you can throw enemies into each other. It's not just little enemies you can grab though, you can grab the local people, energy blasts coming at you, and even larger enemies' fists and throw them back in their face! The way this mechanic is implemented is fun and intuitive, and very unique in its design. It's not all just fighting though; in between all the action are puzzles. The levels aren't just a direct path from point A to point B, you have to figure out how to get there through the platforming. It's an absolute blast.

This game is very unique and fun to play, as well as challenging. In order to get 100% completion you must find a gold crystal in every level; if you do so you are treated to a special ending that shows what Marina would look like if she were human, and the style varies depending on what age you put in at the beginning of the game. It's a nice little treat for the completionists out there. So what are you waiting for?! If you aren't one of the lucky few who have already discovered Mischief Makers, then hurry up and get back to the roots of gaming with this hidden gem!!

Submitted by: Tom Ferko (Employee)

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